How Could Health & Social Care Look in 2030?
The demographic change will put incredible burdens on the social and health care systems all over the world. So, how can we still have sustainable health systems in the future? In a small team of social innovation and service design students we've researched for several months and conducted over 20 interviews with relevant stakeholders like patients, carers, doctors, politicans, authorities or corporations to answer this question.

What's the Problem?
We discovered critical challenges in the working, housing or financial sector, but later we realised that there is only one sustainable approach: To decrease the demand in the long term. Today 70% of the whole UK health budget goes into long-term medical conditions. Most of them are caused or compounded by unhealthy lifestyle choices.

The Solution
With the help of stakeholders we've developed Ev, a personal companion that helps you to get through your everyday life in a healthy and comfortable way. Ev can give perfect food and excercise recommendations based on your DNA, real-time body data and preferences to enable you a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

Uhm... 1984 2.0?
Nope. All data including your DNA are saved decentrally in a blockchain. Only you control it.

Ok, so How Does This Work?
Initially you get a free DNA-test and optionally a Smart Ring that tracks your real-time body data. Ev can give you recommendations about what you could eat and do for exercise, keep you up to date and answer your questions. It can also be connected to your smart home devices and do your grocery shopping for you. If you are eating outside, restaurants with cooking roboters can serve you personalized food that perfectly fits your needs and desires.
Got some more time? Take a look at my reseach essay about this concept.