Serving Humanity
unetic is a counterdraft to conventional social networks like Facebook and Twitter by establishing a ecosystem that monetises digital content democratically and is therefore free from advertising, privacy abuse and filter bubbles.
It enables to discover what people really think the world - no matter what language they speak or in which country they live. The community and the team translate the most popular contributions and debates into several languages, making them accessible to people all over the world.

We Broke Democracy
Democracy means that every voice is heard. That every voice has a value. It means pluralism. It means debating. It means exchange. But this foundation is breaking away.
New media is systematically undermining our ability to empathise. We get divided in our own small worlds, which polarises us all. The way we consume media has changed us.
And our democracy.

A Loveletter to Democracy
unetic is inspired by the roots of democracy: the ecclesia. People came together, orated and debated about the problems of Athens. The platform transfers this idea into the 21st century and revives the origin of democracy. Worldwide.
It doens't make money with the data of it's users – it's giving it back. Blockchain-based rewards monetise the writing of articles, translations and comments. All values created by the community are allocated to everyone daily and can be redistributed by voting.
Advertisting as a Discussion Platform
The poster campaign shows quotes from the debates of the community. Thus, the viewer of the poster is guided directly into the discussion. The call to action "Join the discussion now" with the following link enables immediate participation via a mobile device so that the potential user can directly interact with the platform.
Social Media Advertising
The commercial-prototype is called "Where are we going?" and raises an open question to our entire society and especially to younger generations. They look into an uncertain future and in a present time drawn by elementary upheavals.
Got some more time? Take a look at my original concept about this project.